VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U022

8.8 Additional Lodging for Family Members or Guests or Extending a Trip for Personal Reasons................ 14 9. MEALS WHILE TRAVELING ............................................................................................................................ 14 9.1 Business Dining Meals........................................................................................................................ 15 9.2 Conference Meals/Meals Provided by Others..................................................................................... 15 9.3 Tips and Incidental Charges ................................................................................................................ 16 9.4 Alcohol ................................................................................................................................................ 16 10. USE OF A VCOM - ISSUED CREDIT CARD .......................................................................................................... 17 11. REIMBURSEMENT PROCESS ........................................................................................................................... 17 12. IRS REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 18 13. NON - REIMBURSEMENT .................................................................................................................................. 18 14. DURATION OF POLICY .................................................................................................................................... 18 A TTACHMENT A ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 1. PURPOSE The purpose of the VCOM Business Travel and Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Education Travel Policy is to provide faculty and staff guidance on reimbursements for travel expenses incurred in the conduct of VCOM business or CME/CE travel. 2. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITY AND OBLIGATION VCOM employees are responsible for safeguarding VCOM’s financial resources which include: • Learning, following and upholding financial policies and procedures established by VCOM. • Being alert to red flags, weaknesses, or activities that can lead to loss, waste, misuse, or misappropriation of assets and taking action to correct and report such instances. • Ensuring VCOM resources and funds are used only for legitimate business purposes. The employee traveling/incurring a business or CME/CE expense and submitting an expense report is responsible for ensuring that the travel and business or CME/CE expense policies are followed (even if a booking/reporting function is delegated to another individual). This includes obtaining the appropriate approvals, completing the required forms, and maintaining and submitting sufficient supporting documentation for review (i.e. original itemized receipts). VCOM’s per diem allowance operates on the honor system. It is the employee’s responsibility to make known and exclude meals from any per diem allowance they are provided by VCOM or business partners when traveling. Division Administrators have responsibility for ensuring compliance with this policy and for setting an example of diligence, ethical behavior, and reinforcing high expectations of integrity and compliance while providing financial oversight. The VCOM Business Office will help enforce the business travel and CME/CE policy, including the per diem meal policy, through a review of VCOM-issued credit card statements and travel expense reports covering periods cardholders seek reimbursement. Compliance with this policy is the responsibility of both the employee incurring expenses on behalf of VCOM and those who certify compliance with these requirements by verifying funding availability and approving expenditures. Falsifying an expense report constitutes fraud and may be cause for legal action. Employees found to be repeatedly or intentionally “double dipping” on meal reimbursement and per diems will be subject to actions that include loss of per diem privilege, loss of VCOM-issued credit card use, travel restriction, and/or possible loss of employment (as deemed appropriate by the Division Administrator, the Campus Dean, the Provost, or the President depending upon the reporting line of the

VCOM Business Travel and Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Education Travel Policy

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