VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy U020

departments, Business Offices, Clinical Affairs divisions, Operations, Student Services departments. 7. CREDIT CARDS ISSUES TO CAMPUS DEANS, PRESIDENT, AND DIVISION OFFICERS The President reviews all credit card purchases by Division Officers and Deans. The Division Officers should attach receipts and an explanation of charges on the logs. The logs should be detailed for any expense where the receipt is a group receipt and explain the purpose of the trip or meal as to how it pertains to the business of the College. The credit card log should then include divisional officer signature. If the charge by the Officer is in question the President and/or CFO will notify the Officer for explanation or to correct the log. If original receipts are not attached an detailed explanation is required for the purchase and must be in line with the anticipated charge for the item(s). If the purchase remains in question by the President, the charge may need to be reimbursed to the College. The Chairman of the Board reviews the purchases of the President and the same policy applies to the President as to the Campus Deans and Division Officers. The President and the Division Officer must approve the VCOM Dcard for the Division before VCOM Dcards will be issued. The divisions approved to obtain and utilize VCOM Dcards are Admissions departments, Business Offices, Clinical Affairs, Operations, and Student Services. Others may be approved from time to time by the President. Divisions officers must review all Dcard purchases and approve and are ultimately responsible for those cards. 8. PURCHASES THAT ARE SALES TAX EXEMPT IN ALABAMA AND VIRGINIA Cardholders on the Auburn and Virginia Campuses shall contact the campus Director for Accounting and Budgets to discuss and learn about goods and services needed by VCOM that can be purchased without paying sales taxes assessed by the states of Alabama or Virginia. Each of these two states provide sales tax exemptions for similar as well as different items, and have different requirements to claim the sales tax exemption.


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