VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine

Policy Order No.: B005 Effective Date:

January 2002


April 2003; April 2009; April 2011

Signature on File ____________________________ Dixie Tooke-Rawlins, D.O. Dean and Executive Vice President

Signature on File ____________________________ James F. Wolfe, Ph.D. President ___________________________________________________________________________________________

VCOM Policy Governing the VCOM Retirement Plan ____________________________________________________________________________________

1. P URPOSE The purpose of the Policy Governing the VCOM Retirement Plan (Plan) is to detail the delegation of authority, the review process for Plan performance, changes that may be made to the Plan, notification of those changes, and the location of the Plan within VCOM. D ELEGATION OF A UTHORITY VCOM’s Board of Directors has delegated its authority to the President and Dean and Executive Vice President to determine the terms and management of VCOM’s Retirement Plan. VCOM also serves as the Plan Administrator for the Retirement Plan. R ETIREMENT P LAN C OMMITTEE A Retirement Plan Committee will meet once per year to determine the performance of the Plan and to review VCOM’s compliance as the fiduciary agent over the Plan. The President, Dean and Executive Vice President, and Chief Financial Officer serve as members of the Retirement Plan Committee. The Directors of Human Resources from both campuses will serve as advisors to this Committee. In that capacity, the advisors will address the impact of the Plan on VCOM’s employees. R ETIREMENT P LAN E LIGIBILITY VCOM offers all employees a retirement plan that allows for elective contributions, and for those employees who work 20 hours or greater a week, a retirement plan that, in addition to the elective contributions, also offers non-elective matching contributions. 2. 3. 4.

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