VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

V COM Policy and Procedure

Policy # R 013


P URPOSE The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine and its faculty, staff and students are committed to the principle of open and objective inquiry in the conduct of its research mission. Faculty involvement with external entities in academia, government, the non - profit sector and industry offers many positive benefits consistent with the College’s goals. This includes the practical application of new scientific discoveries and the ability to obtain research funding. It must be recognized that such opportun ities can introduce a potential for conflicts of interest that could affect the performance of an individual’s primary research goal, or activities as a member of VCOM. Involvement with external entities may create a risk that these relationships may bias the work performed by the College faculty, and undermine the public trust. Opportunities to profit from research may affect, or may appear to affect, a researcher’s judgments and scientific integrity. Identifying, understanding and responding to conflicts of interest are of primary importance to protecting the objectivity of research at the College and the professional reputation of the faculty. As such, the College has developed policy that sets forth a framework for identifying, evaluating and managing financial conflicts of interest related to research activities. This policy does not a ssume that all financial interests in research are inappropriate; however, research imposes unique obligations on both the institution and the I nvestigators, and these o bligations must be kept. The College’s aim is to ensure research, education and administrative responsibilities are performed in a manner that maintains integrity and objectivity, with the public’s interest and the protection of human research volunteers a s the highest priority. GENERAL S TATEMENT This policy is applicable to those research projects directly or indirectly funded by the federal government, state governments, not - for - profit organizations and for - profit entities. This policy covers all perso ns who are employed by VCOM, all students and all contracted faculty and staff, as well as any individuals who conduct research at the College . This policy covers all research being conducted under VCOM’s auspices, regardless of whether the research is ex tramurally or internally funded. This includes proposals and applications made by VCOM researchers to external sponsors, protocols submitted to the VCOM Institutional Review Board, research funded by VCOM, material transfer agreements, non - monetary collab orative agreements and other types of research agreements. This policy is intended to be consistent with federal law ( 42.CFR.50.601 - 607 , 45.CFR.94.1 - 6 ) . Where there is a discrepancy, the applicable federal law will take precedence, unless the law is less restrictive than VCOM’s standard. The College will strive to avoid financial conflicts of interest that present the potential to directly or indirectly compromise research, unless such conflicts are managed in accordance with this policy. 2.


D EFINITIONS College: The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM), including the Virginia, South Carolina and Alabama campuses, and all affiliated entities.

Compelling Circumstances: Those facts that convince the Conflict of Interest Committee that an I nvestigator who has a significant financial interest should be permitted to conduct research.

Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research Policy

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