VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #S019
• Demonstrated inability to make academic progress while on an Altered Degree Plan of Study or Academic Probation; • Been on a leave of absence, temporary withdrawal, or suspension and has been granted the ability to re-enroll by the Campus Dean to determine appropriate placement in the curriculum; • Failed to meet the requirements set forth in previous Promotion Board decisions by the Dean and/or Provost; and/or • Other referrals by the Campus Dean or the Associate Dean. It should be noted that students who are brought before the Promotion Board for more than one F course grade are generally recommended for dismissed. Additionally, both NBOME and VCOM only allow four attempts to pass COMLEX Level 1; therefore, failure of a fourth attempt on any level of COMLEX will result in dismissal. Of Note: While not a Promotion Board referral, students who fail more than one first attempt failure of end-of-rotation exams within a semester (i.e. failed the first attempt end-of-rotation exam for pediatrics and failed the first attempt end-of rotation exam for surgery within the first semester), even if the student has successfully remediated the prior end-of-rotation exam on the second attempt, will be placed on academic probation for no less than 1 calendar year by the Campus Dean. 2.3 Special Meetings of the Promotion Board Special meetings of the Promotion Board may be convened at any time by the Campus Dean or Associate Dean and will be chaired by the appropriate Associate Dean. A representative of the Honor Code Council, Professional and Ethical Standards Board (PESB), or a similar representative may be invited to clarify issues related to the specific case being discussed. Special meetings of the Promotion Board may be called for the following: • To determine placement of a student who has taken an approved leave of absence, an approved temporary withdrawal, or has been on suspension to determine where the student will be placed in the curriculum and to determine if any additional curriculum is needed. • To determine if academics will be impacted for a student who has taken an unplanned and/or unapproved leave and is being brought before the Honor Council or the Professional and Ethical Standards Board (PESB). • Other reasons as determined by the Campus Dean or Associate Dean 2.4 Administrative Resolutions Not Requiring Referral to the Promotion Board Certain academic difficulties/issues are referred directly to the Campus Dean for administration of actions dictated by VCOM policy instead of being referred to the Promotion Board. In addition, some academic difficulties allow for an automatic remediation or reattempt by the Associate Dean, without being referred to the Promotion Board. These include:
VCOM Student Promotion Board Policy and Procedures
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