VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #S018
• Upon receiving a passing score, if all other requirement for graduation have been met, the student will be re-enrolled and will graduate on the date they receive a passing score. • If the student receives a failing score, the student will remain on temporary administrative withdrawal and must successfully pass COMLEX Level 2 CE within a required timeframe to avoid dismissal. o Temporary withdrawal may not exceed a 180-day limit, which is cumulative within the 12-month period or academic year and includes any prior leaves or suspensions in that 12-month period or academic year. Therefore, students should work closely with CIFSS and the Campus Dean to ensure the total number of days of their remediation plan does not exceed the allotted 180 days. If the total time exceeds 180 days within a 12-month period or an academic year, the student will be dismissed by the Campus Dean. C. A student who has a failing score for COMLEX Level 2 CE at the time of graduation , and who is not in a college approved immersion program or fellowship will be placed on a temporary administrative withdrawal by the Campus Dean and must receive a passing score within a required timeframe to avoid dismissal. Each timeframe is different and will take into account the number of days already withdrawn or on leave within the past 12 months or academic year. • Temporary withdrawal may not exceed a 180-day limit, which is cumulative within the 12-month period or academic year and includes any prior leaves or suspensions in that 12-month period or academic year. Therefore, students should work closely with CIFSS and the Campus Dean to ensure the total number of days of their remediation plan does not exceed the allotted 180 days. If the total time exceeds 180 days within a 12-month period or an academic year, the student will be dismissed by the Campus Dean. • Upon receiving a passing score, if all other requirement for graduation have been met, the student will graduate on the date they receive a passing score.
14. MAXIMUM LENGTH OF COMPLETION VCOM follows the AOA Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) standard for Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, which supports ensuring that each single degree DO student completes the DO degree within 150% of the standard time to achieve the degree (six years following matriculation).
VCOM Grading, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and Graduation Requirements Policy and Procedures
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