VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #S018
Campus Dean, with a timeline to sit for and pass COMLEX Level 1 (typically not to exceed 60 days to sit), and will not be promoted to the second semester of their OMS 3 year until they have passed COMLEX Level 1. These students will not be eligible for re-enrollment or further financial aid until they pass COMLEX Level 1. The period of withdrawal may not exceed 180 days in a 12-month period or an academic year. Those students who do not pass COMLEX Level 1 within the prescribed timeline will be dismissed by the Campus Dean. o The 180-day requirement is cumulative within the 12-month period or academic year and includes any prior leaves or suspensions in that 12-month period or academic year. Therefore, students should work closely with CIFSS and the Campus Dean to ensure the total number of days of their remediation plan does not exceed the allotted 180 days. If the total time exceeds 180 days within a 12 month period or an academic year, the student will be dismissed. o Those students who pass COMLEX Level 1 within the prescribed timeline will be promoted to the second semester of the OMS 3 year and will be placed on an Altered Degree Plan of Study (ADPOS). • For students placed on an Altered Degree Plan of Study for failure of COMLEX Level 1, every attempt will be made to provide rotations in the region to which the student was originally matched; however, due to a limited availability in the number of core rotations in some sites, the student may be required to do one or more of their rotations outside of the original core region to which they matched. Both NBOME and VCOM allow students four attempts to pass COMLEX Level 1. Any student failing COMLEX Level 1 on the 4th attempt will be dismissed by the Campus Dean. It is important for the student to be aware that many states limit the number of attempts a student may take to pass the exam and failure to fall within their guideline on number of failures allowed, will result in the student being denied licensure in that state. A. Students who do not pass COMLEX Level 1 on any attempt must meet with the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, the Executive Director for Academic Support Services, and the Director for Student and Institutional Academic Success (meetings for failures of the second or additional attempts will also include the Campus Dean) to develop a prescribed remediation plan that must receive final approval from the Campus Dean. Approval must be granted prior to the student being released to schedule the next attempt. 13.1.1 COMLEX Level 1: Failure of the First or Additional Attempts
VCOM Grading, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and Graduation Requirements Policy and Procedures
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