VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #S018

Students placed on an ADPOS must sign and agree to comply with the ADPOS that has been approved by the Campus Dean and Provost. Students on Altered Degree Plan of Study should be aware that they must be on track to complete all requirements to graduate prior to July 1st in order to be allowed to enter ERAS and the Match, according to the rules of the residency match. 11.1 Failure to Make Academic Progress While on an Altered Degree Plan Students who do not comply with the Altered Degree Plan of Study or who are not making academic progress while on an ADPOS will be brought before Promotion Board and are at high risk for dismissal. Students who do not comply with the ADPOS may be suspended at any time by the Campus Dean for failure to follow the plan. If a student has difficulty in following the ADPOS, they are required to meet with the Campus Dean to report this prior to failing to follow the plan. 12.1 COMSAE Phase 1: A Comprehensive Review Exam According to the accreditation requirements for the college, as outlined by the AOA Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA), students are required to successfully pass the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners’ (NBOME) Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination exams (COMLEX Level 1 and COMLEX Level 2 CE) as a part of a College of Osteopathic Medicine’s graduation requirements. In order to ensure students are attaining the medical knowledge competencies required to begin the OMS 3 year and to pass COMLEX Level 1, VCOM requires students to complete a Comprehensive Review Course and comprehensive testing through COMSAE Phase 1 at the end of the OMS 2 year. The COMSAE Phase 1 exam serves as the final exam for the Comprehensive Review Course in Block 8. In addition to serving as the course exam, this exam measures cumulative medical knowledge of the OMS 1 and 2 years. The exam is generally administered in June of the OMS 2 year. The timelines for the course and exam are announced each year. To be eligible to be promoted to the OMS 3 year, the student must pass the Comprehensive Review Course and sit for COMLEX Level 1. Students who do not pass the Comprehensive Review Course must pass COMLEX Level 1 in order to be promoted to the OMS 3 year. 12. COMPREHENSIVE TESTING

VCOM pays for the first COMSAE Phase 1 exam that students take as the final exam for the Comprehensive Review Course in Block 8 and pays for the COMSAE Phase 1 exams that are

VCOM Grading, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and Graduation Requirements Policy and Procedures

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