2025-2030 VCOM Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal 4: Advance scientific knowledge, medical education, and patient outcomes through research.
Strategic Objective 4.1: Promote faculty opportunities for growth through
multidisciplinary biomedical, clinical, preventive medicine, educational, and osteopathic principles and practice research and scholarly activity.
Action Steps: 4.1.1. Provide opportunities for research collaboration across campuses, with university and healthcare partners. 4.1.1.a. Each campus will formulate and submit a plan for research collaboration with university partners that demonstrates the potential for and success of the private-public partnership for collaboration and innovation through research. 4.1.1.b. Each campus will formulate and submit a plan for research collaboration with healthcare partners that demonstrates the potential for and success of the academic-healthcare partnerships in research and innovation. 4.1.1.c. Continue to grow collaborations across VCOM campuses annually. 4.1.2. Enhance biomedical and clinical research in the areas of cancer, neuroscience, neurological injury, neurodegenerative disease, and musculoskeletal research by creating collaborations with partnering universities, local hospitals, and VCOM’s international clinical sites. 4.1.2.a. Identify areas of opportunity and establish collaborations. 4.1.2.b. Establish multidisciplinary teams for each area. 4.1.3. Assess and ensure information technology resources are available to support research annually. 4.1.4. Assess and ensure library resources are available in areas needed by VCOM researchers annually. 4.1.5. Value faculty research and scholarly activity through opportunities for funding, collaboration, and promotion in rank. 4.1.6. Recognize faculty for research and scholarly activity accomplishments through college communications channels, including social media, website, publications and outside media, including AOA, AACOM, partnering institutions, local and state news, and other venues as applicable. Strategic Objective 4.2: Support student opportunities for participation in research and scholarly activity. Action Steps: 4.2.1. Develop a database of existing faculty research and research interests. 4.2.2. Identify faculty with an interest in international or rural health research to mentor student groups wishing to conduct community-based research in those settings. 4.2.3. Develop set guidelines for student participation in research projects that includes the faculty mentor, their available projects, and the number of students per project (each faculty member should mentor a minimum of 5 students annually). 4.1.2.c. Provide seed funding for multidisciplinary team research. 4.1.2.d. Collect data, analyze and interpret for initial publications. 4.1.2.e. Submit proposals for external funding.
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